Friday, September 9, 2011

Twitter Comes Alive!...

These have me cracking up.

"What if Twitter... came to life?

In early 2010, we asked some of our pals to film their favorite tweets in 30 seconds or less. We didn’t care how they did it. They could act it. They could sing it. They could do it with puppets. Whatever they wanted. The only rules were it had to be a tweet written by someone else and it had to contain the entire tweet and nothing but the tweet. And so "Twitter: The Criterion Collection" was born. Later that year, we asked them to return for an encore — and thus begat "Twitter: The Criterion Collection II". It's been far too long. So we're back. (And for the first time, this edition has several Twitterers banding together their creative juices — and 30 second allotments — to create some truly epic work.)

So sit back and enjoy. @sween"

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